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ALN (Additional Learning Needs)

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ALNCo: Mrs Emma Lee

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Deputy ALNCo: Mrs Sarah Clarke

At Milton Primary School all staff strive to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils. When planning, teachers set suitable learning challenges and respond to pupil’s diverse learning needs. At Milton, our classrooms ensure all pupils have access to Universal Provision - learning aids and modifications which mean that as many barriers to learning have been removed as possible. All pupils at Milton have a Pupil Passport which details their strengths, important things to know about them, and any reasonable adjustments needed to access learning effectively. 

Some pupils need some targeted support to aid their progress in an area of learning. For these children, a One Page Profile is written, with intervention and support planned to improve the identified area of need. 

For some pupils, they have barriers to learning that mean they have Additional Learning Needs that are additional to and different from their peers and require school to undertake an assessment to identify whether they have and ALN that requires an Individual Development Plan and additional learning provision (ALP).

You may have been used to hearing about the terms SEN (Special Educational Needs) and School Action (SA), School Action Plus (SA+) and Statement. These terms were part of the previous 'Code of Practice for Wales' and are currently being phased out as the New Code is being implemented. See below for further information.

ALN Milton Primary

*Please note - these dates have now changed with the system going live in September 2021

ALN Reform


There are changes being made to the way that Special Educational Needs (now referred to as ‘Additional Learning Needs’) will be carried out in schools from 2023. In readiness for this, some schools are already making changes, e.g. in the way that meetings with parents and pupils are held. We at Milton Primary School are implementing the new recommendations in line with guidance from Welsh Government. You will be informed of the changes and how they affect your child following timescales from Welsh government.


See below for presentation delivered by Mrs Lee in April to inform parents of the upcoming changes:

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