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School Meals

Milton Primary School | Newport

A three weekly menu is available; you can choose from the healthy dinner options on offer.

School meals are now provided by Chartwells an outside agency. The children who pay for school dinner are required to pay via ParentPay.


The menus can be viewed online here.

Dinner costs £2.10 per day. The School will provide you with a ParentPay login so that you are able to pay for your child’s meal online. Please note that the office is unable to accept any cash for school dinners.

Packed Lunch

Children may bring sandwiches to school for their lunch. We would prefer it if all free school meals children have their entitled school dinner.

  • Sandwich boxes must be of a small size.

  • Sandwich boxes must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.

  • Packed lunches should not contain any type of sweets or fruit with stones in e.g. plums, as they can cause choking. If these items are put into your child’s packed lunch they will be sent home.

  • No glass bottles will be allowed in school.

  • Try not to overload lunchboxes with food; too many crisps or chocolate bars are not healthy for your child. Please refer to our healthy lunch box grid to help you.

Our school has achieved Phase 5 of the Healthy Schools Award and we try to encourage all children to adopt a healthy lifestyle.


At Milton Primary we are lucky to have lots of outdoor areas that are very well equipped. The school has invested substantial amounts of money to improve the quality of outside play. We have timber trails, forest school areas, creative play areas, sitting areas, living willows, and an outside classroom, to name a few of our improvements.

Early years, Years One and Two and Key Stage Two have separate play areas with different age appropriate activities. Each play area is supervised by a minimum of two adults, usually a teacher and a teaching assistant. All staff actively discourage boisterous and rough play. During morning play time children are permitted to eat fruit (without stones in). NO sweets, biscuits, crisps or drinks are allowed. Foundation Phase children also have a drink of milk at break time and all children have access to water throughout the day


All children take part in games and physical education. We have a large school hall with a sprung wooden floor, which is ideal for gymnastics and dance. We also have a number of outdoor areas for games.

Milton Primary School | Newport
Milton Primary School | Newport
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