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Estyn Inspection

October 2022


I am delighted to be able to share our Estyn inspection report which was published on 29th December 2022. 


Needless to say, I am beyond proud that the report recognises how we have successfully established a nurturing and inclusive community- focussed school here at Milton since our amalgamation six years ago, which enables our amazing children to make such strong progress in their learning. 


I continue to feel so privileged to lead such a wonderful team of caring, skilled and committed staff who place huge value on fostering positive relationships, enabling learning and progress, and supporting well-being.


The evaluations summarised in the report are a result of true collaboration at all levels within our school community-pupils, staff, governors and families- ‘learning together, achieving forever.’

It was pleasing that the inspectors agreed with our own school development plan priorities in their recommendations, as well as our strengths. 


There is so much to celebrate within the report, with the inspection commentary recognising that:


  • Since amalgamation, the headteacher has created an inclusive ethos amongst staff, pupils and parents. Working with her senior team, she has communicated a clear vision based on ensuring that all pupils are nurtured and encouraged to have high aspirations.

  • Leaders work together as a well-organised and dedicated team. They are diligent and conscientious.

As a result:

  • Milton Primary is an inclusive, supportive school where pupils make good progress and develop resilience and independence.

  • The school has a clear, collective vision for pupils’ curriculum experiences and is making strong progress towards implementing the Curriculum for Wales.

  • Most pupils make strong progress and learn to apply skills, such as their literacy and numeracy skills, well. 

  • Nearly all pupils enjoy their time at school and have highly positive attitudes to learning.

  • Most pupils develop well as ambitious learners who take pleasure in sharing their learning and discussing their progress. 

  • All staff have strong relationships with pupils, and this helps to ensure that pupils engage well in school and are confident in the school environment.

  • Staff create a particularly warm and caring learning environment where pupils feel valued and safe.

  • The support and provision for pupils with additional learning needs is strong.

  • Dedicated staff work conscientiously with individual pupils to provide a caring, supportive environment where everyone celebrates the achievement of all.

  • The governing body is highly supportive of the school. Governors understand the school’s development priorities well and recognise the need for improvements.


Significant improvements have been made since we amalgamated in 2017, and as a past pupil of Milton myself, as well as being Head Teacher, it fills me with pride that the inspectors were so impressed by our ambitious, polite, capable and conscientious children throughout their time with us.


I want to say a huge thank you to you all, parents and carers, for your continued support and giving us the privilege of teaching your wonderful children. We should all be very proud of what we have collectively achieved. 


Report for parents and carers:


Full report:



Mrs Corinne Burke


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